i never quite mastered the art of matching.
i forget & confuse #'s such as 3's & 5's or 2's & 6's.
im hardly ever on time.
i always leave at least one item behind whenever im at someone's home.
the right side of my hair never curls correctly.
my butt looks larger on the right side than the left.
my feelings get hurt easily.
i tend to forget people's names.
i talk L O U D!!
i always smile, even if the girls around me are "mugging".
i ALWAYS look for the GOOD in people,
seems i tend to look harder & just continue finding the bad. ugh.
im as pretty as a picture, but not tall enough to be a model.
im just a girl, trying to find my own way in this humongous world.
and boy is it tough, but all in all i wouldnt have it any other way. :)