
. . .

i plan to make as many memories
with the best people ever as possible.
i want to smoke, i want to cook, i want to laugh,
i just want to live. the drama is a bore & frankly im
too old. i just want to enjoy the rest of my youth,
getting old comes too soon.
they say "youth is wasted on the young"
&& in a few years, in societys eyes, it'll be time
for us to have families, & careers.
oh, im so not ready for that.
i mean the career of course, im ready to dive in,
extremely ready, lol. but as for the family part,
it can wait a bit.

so ive promised myself; if something makes me upset but its small enough to forget about for even a moment, take a deep breath and let it go because life if simply too short.

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